14 - 06 - 2024
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steelseries sensei wirelessb

   By now many of you are aware that I’m not much into wireless gaming mice but i always liked the Sensei series so when i heard that SteelSeries was going to launch an wireless version (design remained pretty much the same but i consider that a plus) that was more than enough to get me intrigued. Of course it took a bit of time for us to receive the Sensei Wireless but i can assure all of you that it was worth the wait since this is the best wireless gaming mouse we've used to date. No matter if you use it wireless or wired accuracy is excellent, speed is out of this world really (you'll need more than just 30 inches to even use it at max CPI) and as for battery life well we didn't manage to hit 16 hours as SteelSeries claims but we did slightly over 13 which is not bad at all especially considering that it's not really possible to do without getting up once in a while (during which you can place the mouse on the charging base). Unfortunately the charging base is not small and it can take a bit of space from your desk so i don't know why SteelSeries didn't choose to make either vertical or diagonal so people would need less space for it. This not a drawback of course but we really think that there are other ways SteelSeries could had gone about it.

   While i type these lines and The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt awaits for me in Freya’s Garden the SteelSeries Sensei Wireless Gaming Mouse retails for USD129.45 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 135.50Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) a price tag which may seem set high but it's actually not, now when other similar solutions like the Ouroboros by Razer cost just as much. Of course the Sensei Wireless is by no means perfect but thanks to its ergonomic ambidextrous design, fast and accurate laser sensor, rechargeable battery that gives it up to 20 hours of life, the ability to use it wired and the charging base it's one of the top wireless gaming mice in the market right next to the Ouroboros and that's why it gets our Platinum Award.


- Build Quality
- Design (Grip / Ambidextrous)
- Pixart ADNS 9800 Laser Sensor (8200 CPI / 150 IPS / 30G)
- SteelSeries Engine 3 Control Panel
- Charging Base
- Up To 20 Hours Of Battery Life
- Can Be Used Wired
- Braided Cable



- Price (For Some)