13 - 06 - 2024
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mionix castor 01t

Although the packaging of the castor may change the one we received arrived in a small long box with a product picture at the top.



mionix castor 02t

Another product image is placed on the left side right above the main product features.



mionix castor 03t

Placed at the base of the box are the specifications of the Castor in 22 languages.



mionix castor 04t

Once you open the box you will find a congratulations note from Carl Silbersky, Mionix CEO.



mionix castor 05t

I don't know if this bundle will make it to the final retail version (this is one of the first samples to leave the factory) but it's somewhat basic so aside the Castor Optical Gaming Mouse you will just get several Mionix stickers and the quick start guide.