14 - 06 - 2024
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dream machines dm1 pro s 6t 
The glossy version may not be the best to take pictures of but it looks great. The DM1 PRO S is actually a mid-size gaming mouse measuring 126mm in length, 68mm in width and 39mm in height while weighing just 85g.



dream machines dm1 pro s 7t

Two buttons are placed at the left side of the mouse (just like with most models we mentioned earlier).



dream machines dm1 pro s 8t

The company logo is placed at the rear of the enclosure.



dream machines dm1 pro s 9t

Nothing is placed on the right side so although the design of the enclosure is ambidextrous the lack of buttons could be problematic to some people.



dream machines dm1 pro s 10t

Instead of the usual two DPI selection buttons there's only one placed at the top of the enclosure.



dream machines dm1 pro s 11t

The clickable scroll wheel is quite soft and features a LED right beneath it (just like the company logo at the rear).



dream machines dm1 pro s 12tdream machines dm1 pro s 13t
At the base of the mouse we find three large PTFE feet and the PMW3360 IR LED sensor.



dream machines dm1 pro s 14t

The 1.8 meter long braided cable ends up on a gold plated USB plug.



dream machines dm1 pro s 19tdream machines dm1 pro s 20tdream machines dm1 pro s 15tdream machines dm1 pro s 16tdream machines dm1 pro s 17tdream machines dm1 pro s 18t
As mentioned earlier each DPI preset is represented by a LED color so we have red for 400, blue for 800, green for 1600, purple for 2400, orange for 4800, and yellow for 12.000 DPI.