13 - 06 - 2024
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corsair schimitar pro rgb 7t

It may look a bit strange to some of you but there's no doubt that the Scimitar Pro RGB is one of the most "aggressive" looking models to ever pass from our test bench.



corsair schimitar pro rgb 8t

On the left side we see the 12 mechanical thumb buttons placed on the key slider mechanism.



corsair schimitar pro rgb 9t

The company logo is placed at the rear of the mouse.



corsair schimitar pro rgb 10t

As usual the two configurable DPI selection buttons are placed at the top.



corsair schimitar pro rgb 11t

The right side features a rubberized, textured section for your pinky.



corsair schimitar pro rgb 12t

Corsair has once again used a large clickable scroll wheel which is quite soft and inaudible when used.



corsair schimitar pro rgb 13t

Another LED is placed right next to the scroll wheel.



corsair schimitar pro rgb 14t

Four large PTFE feet are placed at the base of the Scimitar Pro RGB.



corsair schimitar pro rgb 15t

Right next to the PMW3367 optical sensor we see the key slider port.



corsair schimitar pro rgb 16tcorsair schimitar pro rgb 17tcorsair schimitar pro rgb 18tBy using the key slider tool on the port you can move the 12 thumb buttons from the rear to the front or the center of the left area.



corsair schimitar pro rgb 19t

The 1.8 meter long braided cable ends on a regular USB plug.