01 - 06 - 2024
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zowie ec1 evo a

   Largely thanks to what i do i get to attend quite a few lanparty/events around Europe (unfortunately time is very limited so i rarely get the chance to travel outside from the EU) most of which are sponsored by manufacturers of gaming related peripherals such as gaming mice, pads, keyboards and headsets. Personally i think it's great that some manufacturers sponsor such events to showcase their products and at the same time support professional teams (at least the ones that have worthy members). I am mentioning all this because the EC1 eVo Gaming Mouse by ZOWIE GEAR we have here with us today was developed by HeatoN (Emil Christensen) a legendary Counter Strike professional player (used to participate in small tournaments up to 2002 myself).


   ZOWIE GEAR is an innovative manufacturer of competitive gaming gear, founded late 2008 with a mission to develop the best competitive gaming gear available. We are not limited by shareholders telling us what we can or cannot do. We are a free-minded company consisting of experienced and creative individuals, united in ZOWIE on a common ground; our passion for gaming. No boundaries. No compromises. Just gaming. ZOWIE GEAR has no ambition to become the biggest manufacturer of competitive gaming gear. We just want to be the best. If we can develop products that will increase a gamers performance by just 1%, we will do it. This is our mentality.


   I was caught off guard when i learned that Emil left ZOWIE GEAR earlier this month to further pursue his dream and re-launch Ninjas in Pyjamas (NIP - his own professional CS team). Certainly everyone's entitled to their own opinion and actions and we all have our reasons but i feel that having people like Emil in key positions all around the gaming industry can benefit gamers (and people in general) all around the globe quite a lot so yes i was a bit surprised. Now regarding the EC1 eVo gaming mouse by ZOWIE GEAR well i can't really say that i was surprised from its specifications sheet mostly because with so many 6000-8000DPI gaming mice around it's somewhat hard to understand why both ZOWIE and Emil decided to use an 2300DPI optical sensor. That was my initial thoughts, however a gaming mouse is much more than just its DPI (dots per inch) so read on to find out just how well the EC1 eVo gaming mouse compares against other units with many times its speed.