14 - 06 - 2024
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As always you can download the latest version of the iCUE software from the CORSAIR support page.



As always once you install and launch the program it will detect and list compatible devices on the right side.



Click on the HARPOON RGB Wireless to reveal its settings tabs and a single product picture showcasing the color of the RGB LED.



From the actions tab you can program all 6 buttons with actions, macros and software shortcuts.



Everything related to the single zone RGB lighting system is placed in the lighting effects tab so from here you can change colors and set effects (13 available ones).



From the DPI tab you can assign a color for each of the 5 presets (6 including the sniper one although the HARPOON RGB Wireless doesn't have a dedicated button) and set their DPI levels (the current iCUE software has a bug that limits the maximum DPI to 5k - CORSAIR is working to resolve this in the next version).



Inside the performance tab you can enable angle snapping and adjust the pointer precision.



Let's not forget that from the top menu the iCUE software allows the end user to monitor the status of the system, check battery levels, use instant colors, perform firmware updates and adjust various settings.



corsair harpoon wireless rgb review 19t

Here you can see some of the colors of the single zone RGB system (2 zones really if you also add the DPI selection LED - although its colors are tied to the DPI presets).