13 - 06 - 2024
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The rear of all strips is made out of flexible rubber and all have the CORSAIR logo on them.



Now even though the 450mm strips have 6 and the 250mm strips have 5 plastic bases only the center 4 on the former and 3 on the latter are actually magnets.



The front of the strips is made out of flexible white diffuser silicone.



I was glad to see the small (65x38x15mm) two-channel RGB controller not only features a soft rubber coating but also has an on/off button at the top.



At the front we see the two 3-pin channels whereas at the rear we find the micro USB and power ports.



Two magnets are also placed at the base of the controller which again connects to two metal pieces with adhesive tape on one side.



These metal plates are just 1.59mm in thickness so they don't add almost anything to the depth of the strips.



The 1.5 meter long USB cable is braided and has regular plugs on both ends (not gold plated).