01 - 06 - 2024
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k m 26782 stand review b

   What makes the 26782 Screen/Monitor Stand by König & Meyer stand out from similar products is it's rather simple and compact design (must have gone through over 200 floor stands and compact is not something you see a lot) which is exactly what i was looking to use in our office/lab with our 55 inch screen (primarily in order to save space). Quality is of course nothing short of excellent and in terms of height adjustment well let’s just say that 1.65 meters for a large screen like this one is probably not something many people will get to actually set the stand at (still it’s good to have that option). Universal VESA compatibility pretty much ensures that the 26782 Screen/Monitor Stand can be used with any flat screen regardless of size (still just to be on the safe side I wouldn’t use any model over 20Kg with it). Now a tilt function would be most welcome since that would mean people can use the height adjustment far more effectively (ourselves included) but I guess we just can’t have it all, especially with a stand of its size.

   Even though the market is filled with low cost floor stands the ones that clearly stand out in terms of build quality don’t come cheap and the same applies for the 26782 Screen/Monitor Stand by König & Meyer since it currently retails for no less than 322.05Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de). This is obviously the sole serious downside of this particular stand but if you’re looking for a high quality compact stand with good height adjustment and VESA mounts compatible with pretty much every flat screen out there (again however not over 20-22kg in weight) then the 26782 Screen/Monitor Stand by König & Meyer certainly deserves your attention and consideration.



- Excellent Build Quality
- Compact Design
- VESA Compatibility
- Height Adjustment (1.1m – 1.65m)
- Cable Management Holes


- Price (For Some)
- No Tilt Function