13 - 06 - 2024
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THE 26783






Once again König & Meyer has used a two piece folding design (tubes 60/76mm in diameter) which when retracted measures just 1100mm.



The bottom of the tubes seems identical to that of the 26782 model (which probably means that just the lower end changes).



Moving at the top we find the main VESA mount and a large cable routing hole.



A spring loaded knob with the company logo on it can be used to adjust the height of the stand (you can replace that with the bundled safety screw - ideal for heavy screens).



Just a small sticker located at the lower end of the tube has any kind of details about the model and the manufacturer.



The center bar is where both the main body of the stand and the two legs attach so it's quite large and sturdy.



On the other hand, the two legs are quite smaller but that's actually not a bad thing since the stand is already quite large (900x500mm).