01 - 06 - 2024
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ASUS has two pieces of software you can use with the XG32VQ (and other monitors of theirs), DisplayWidget and Aura Sync.

asus displaywidget 1t

The DisplayWidget software basically allows you to do most of the things you can via the side buttons and joystick (only much faster). Unfortunately, the latest version is not that easy to find so I’ve decided to make it available for download (v3.



If you happen to have an Aura Sync compatible motherboard like i did during these tests the screen can be linked/synced to your system's colors (if not you can adjust it on its own).



Here you can see how the bottom and rear LEDs look at their highest intensity settings.




For all of you wondering about the available crosshairs here's how the look like in Doom Eternal.



This is also how the FPS counter looks like (you can move this via the rear joystick).