13 - 06 - 2024
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The software hasn't really changed since i reviewed the Spyder 5 Elite back in 2017 so from the initial tab you can either launch the monitor calibration screen or a simulation which allows you to see how things will look on paper and smartphones.



A very convenient wizard takes you through all the necessary steps required to calibrate your monitor.



Of course, there are many more things one can do from the drop down menu seen above (including the display analysis which i happen to use a lot).



For the most accurate results you should first follow this quick guide that helps you input various information on your display.



After that you can manually set the desired calibration settings as seen above.



The built-in light sensor helps you find the best brightness levels for your display according to the current room illumination.



Once the calibration is complete you can use the SpyderTune and SpyderProof before and after screens to check the results.



Finally, if you have more than one screen and you'd like the same (more or less) settings for all of them you can use the StudioMatch feature.