14 - 06 - 2024
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viotek gnv29cb review 21t

The very first menu tab allows you to switch between inputs at will or leave the automatic selection.



From the brightness/contrast tab you can control not only those but also black levels and the DCR (dynamic contrast ratio) function.



Inside the color setting tab you can change the gamma, select one of the picture mode presets, change the temperature of the screen, enable the low blue light feature and adjust both the hue and saturation levels.



Not only can you manually adjust overdrive (response time), picture sharpness and noise reduction but you can also enable super resolution (upscale function), and dynamic luminous control (automatic brightness).



What you can change inside the display tab is the LED mode which can be set to normal and flicker (flicker free technology).



You can choose the audio input and adjust the volume of the 3.5mm output (or mute it entirely) from inside the audio tab.



Viotek also offers a convenient dual-window feature which you can enable from the multi-window tab.



Everything in regards to the OSD can be adjusted from its very own tab.



Of course, you can also enable/disable the FreeSync model from the other tab (you can also switch between DP versions).