13 - 06 - 2024
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eizo flexscan ev2490 review 29t

The touch controls located on the lower right side are very easy to use and as for the main menu it's identical with those of previous EIZO screens.



Typically, the screen comes ready with 4 picture presets plus 2 user/custom ones and that's what you'll see in the first tab.



From the second tab you can enable/disable the EcoView functions and check to see the results in power and CO2 savings (useful for professional environments).



You can also quickly adjust the volume of the front facing stereo speakers and the brightness levels from here.



Image settings can be accessed from the main menu.



From within the color tab you can adjust the color mode, brightness and contrast levels, temperature and gamma.



Going further deeper into the advanced settings tab from here you can adjust the overdrive function (useful for video playback and gaming), hue, saturation and gain.



Screen ratio, sharpness, color format and input range can all be accessed from inside the signal tab.



Features like daisy chain, menu rotation, power save and power indicator can be adjusted from the preferences menu (you can also reset the monitor to its factory state from here).



Again, the OSD is available in 9 different languages.



Finally, some details about the screen are present inside the information tab.