13 - 06 - 2024
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In terms of size the C4 (145x48x18mm) is just a tad shorter but also slightly thicker compared to the C5 (150x48x15).



Both the C4 and C5 have 2.4 inch color LCD screens (180ppi/240x300p/262.000 colors).



Their illuminated keypads are also very similar with the buttons of the C4 extending outside of the housing (the C5 keypad does not).



The C5 also has the 3.5mm port at the top whereas the C4 just has an opening from where you can remove the rear cover.



Both models feature loudspeakers located at the rear.



On the right side the C5 has volume control buttons while the C4 has the 3.5mm port (the C4 lacks dedicated volume control buttons).



AVM used the same 750mAh rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack for both telephones.



The charging base of the C5 may look far more elegant than that of the C4 but we found the latter easier to place the telephone in.