01 - 06 - 2024
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The TUC-ET2G 2.5G ethernet adapter features a plastic housing that measures 84mm in length, 32mm in width and 13mm in height and as mentioned earlier it features a 12.6cm long integrated USB type-C cable.



There are 3 activity LEDs on the adapter (power, 100/1000 connectivity and 2.5G connectivity).



The RJ45 (BASE-T) ethernet port is located at the front of the adapter.



A sticker located at the base of the adapter lists the hardware version, serial number and barcode.



For this test we'll be using the QSW-804-4C 10G ethernet switch by QNAP which also supports 2.5G/5G connectivity (a 10G Intel X550 card will be installed on the other test rig for our tests).



As expected, once you plug the adapter to a compatible switch and/or router the 2.5G activity LED will turn on.