01 - 06 - 2024
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trendnet tew 824drub

   As you can all tell just by taking a quick look at our charts ATTO really likes Qualcomm Atheros StreamBoost technology since the TEW-824DRU surpassed all others in that test and by a large margin (write performance). Unfortunately although we did get on a great start the same didn’t happen while testing the router with the QCheck and Network Test programs so in the end you need to decide which you trust most. That being said the TEW-824DRU offers very good overall performance and offers a wealth of available settings most of which casual users will probably never even touch. TRENDnet has been using this web interface for quite some time now but aside the dark color we like it and since haven’t come across any problems with it we’re not complaining. The lack of forward LAN activity LEDs and a USB 3.0 port is perhaps the only drawback I can actually think of and since this is a 2015 model I really can’t figure out the reason behind that decision. On the other hand the TEW-824DRU does feature a power on/off button so it’s not all bad.

   Price has always been one of TRENDnet’s strong points and with a current price tag set at USD89.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and 124Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk) I’d say the TEW-824DRU is not really an exception (although EU pricing needs a small “tuning”). Bottom line the TEW-824DRU is the ideal choice for people looking for a router which combines very good wireless performance with a large number of available settings at a very tempting price tag (USA) and that’s why it gets our Golden Award.


- Size
- AC1750 Technology (Concurrent 802.11n 450Mbps & 802.11ac 1300Mbps Bands)
- User Friendly Web Interface
- Plethora Of Features/Settings
- Supports StreamBoost/DD-WRT (Open Source OS)
- 4 Gigabit Ethernet Ports
- Price (USA)



- Price (EU)
- Single USB 2.0 Port