01 - 06 - 2024
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linksys wrt3200acm 1t

The front of the box has a large picture of the WRT3200ACM right over its main features and beneath the company logo.



The rear of the router with all of its connectors is showcased on the left side of the box.



A detailed specifications list is placed at the base of the box.



The main product features are also listed on the right side of the box in 4 languages.



Moving at the rear of the box we see a drawing showcasing the brand new tri-stream 160, MU-MIMO and open-source ready features.



Packaging is once again perfect with two black foam pieces keeping the router safe during shipping.



Along with the WRT3200ACM you will also get 4 detachable antennas, wall power adapter, Ethernet cable, software CD and a quick start guide.