13 - 06 - 2024
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avm fritz box 7530 review 1t

Just like with every other FRITZ!Box device to date the 7530 arrived inside a blue box that has a product picture at the front right next to the company logo and its main features.



Two stickers which contain the product serial number, part number and barcodes are placed on the right side of the box right over some words about the product itself.



The contents of the package are printed on the left side right beneath a few words both about the product and its operating system.



The product specifications are placed at the rear of the box in 6 languages right beneath a picture of the product's rear used to showcase its available interfaces.



Several pieces of cardboard keep the entire bundle safe.



Along with the FRITZ!Box 7530 and its power adapter you will also get an 1.5 meter long RJ45 Ethernet cable (flat), 4 meter long phone cable, warranty information paper, product brochure and the quick start guide.