01 - 06 - 2024
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QSM 3.1.7 PART 1









The QSM GUI has remained the same to date (for this review we used an ultrawide screen so our screenshots may look a bit strange).



You can change the language and access the new and more detailed system monitor from the top right corner of the GUI (the restart/logout/shutdown commands are located in the upper left corner).



As expected from within the file manager app you can browse through all the files in the NAS, create/remove directories, copy files and much more.



You can monitor the current system load and hardware devices in general from within the monitor app.



Inside the backup app QSAN has placed several ways for you to back up your sensitive data either locally, remotely and even on the cloud.



QSAN says they will expand the number of available applications but for now at least we still see the same as last time.



Of course, you can also build your very own virtual private network (VPN) thus allowing users to remotely and securely access resources shared within the local area network by the XN7008RE.



The anti-virus app provides extra protection for your files (not enabled by default however).



Web server, SQL server and MariaDB databases are also supported by the XN7008RE.