13 - 06 - 2024
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The TS-470 comes with several applications/stations already installed but you can install a lot more from within the App Center.




The Video Station allows you to upload videos to the NAS and afterwards make them available for others to see regardless of their location.




By using the backup station you can back up your data to and from the NAS server or to one of the many online cloud backup services supported.




You can use the Download Station either to download torrent files or directly from HTTP/FTP.




The Music Station allows you to playback your entire music collection without switching to an external application.




The Photo Station still features the GeoTagging feature but this time over it seems to be using less system resources compared to previous versions.




Once again the File Station allows you to transfer files to and from the NAS and looks quite a bit like the Windows explorer.



The Surveillance Station Pro remains pretty much the same and you can use it with a total of 42 IP cameras (for some reason Airlive is no longer present thus making it impossible for us to use the recording feature) from a very large range of manufacturers (even if your camera is not present you can use the several compatibility modes). However by default the application comes with just the base single camera license.