01 - 06 - 2024
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thecus n5550 01t

The N5550 arrived inside a large black box (not very thick but it gets the job done) with a product picture at both the front and the rear right above a line with some of its main features.



thecus n5550 02t

On the right side you can see a large number of things one can use the N5550 for.



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The features listed at the front are explained in-depth at the left side.



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Thecus has used two thick foam spacers to keep the N5550 safe inside the box.



thecus n5550 05t

Along with the N5550 you will also receive an Ethernet cable, AC power cord, quick installation guide, HDD compatibility paper (points the consumer to the Thecus website), 3 software CDs and two plastic bags with the tray keys and mounting screws.