14 - 06 - 2024
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asustor as 202teb

   After using the ASUSTOR AS-202TE NAS Server for roughly a week we have mixed feelings about it. You see on one hand we have our charts in which it clearly underperforms compared to the N2560 (even if just slightly) by Thecus so for people who want a pure NAS Server the N2560 could be a better choice but on the other hand the ADM OS used is many times better than the ThecusOS used with the N2560 (currently anyways) so it really comes down to whether or not you place performance over ease of use and we for once can't come to a valid conclusion. Sure we all like performance (who doesn't?) but what good would that do if you can't use the device with the same ease as you would another even if that ment having 10% less performance? That however is us so for people who can use the current OS offered by Thecus in the N2560 just fine then we can't deny that it's a better choice overall. Still the AS-202TE has its target audience which are people who wish also to use it as a media player and if can play the massive 42GB Blu-Ray of Avatar S.E (the N2560 couldn't at the time of our review) then it should be able to handle everything you throw at it. ASUSTOR also offers a good range of Android/iOS compatible apps and although we didn't test them this time over you can check them in a previous review here.


   ASUSTOR knows that price is very important when choosing the right NAS Server and so far they have managed to keep their prices very competitive compared to similar models by the other leading companies in the market. So as we speak the AS-202TE retails for USD258 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and 239Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) a price tag which places it at around 15% less compared to let’s say the N2560 by Thecus which we mentioned earlier. Overall i think that ASUSTOR has manufactured yet another NAS Server which is more than just enough for its intended use and although performance could had been slightly better the excellent and graphics rich ADM with its ease of use more than just makes up for that and since the price is right we are happy to give it our Golden Award.


- Excellent Build Quality
- Good Performance (Speed/Temperatures/Power Consumption)
- Features
- Gigabit Ethernet Port
- 4 USB Ports (2xUSB 3.0 / 2xUSB 2.0)
- HDMI v1.4a
- Headphones Port
- RAID 0/1
- SATA III (6Gb/s)
- Android/iOS Apps
- Price (For Some)




- Limited Support For IP Cameras (Currently)
- Can’t Add More DDR3 RAM