01 - 06 - 2024
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qnap hs 210 01t

The front of the box has a large product picture and the main product features listed right beneath.



qnap hs 210 02t

Moving on the left side we see several pictures showcasing the product features and a small text right beneath recommending WD RED and Seagate NAS drives for use with the product.



qnap hs 210 03t

Some of the software features are listed on the opposite side in 23 languages.



qnap hs 210 04t

The various stations found in the QTS OS are quickly showcased/explained at the rear.



qnap hs 210 05t

Once you open the box you will see five 2D barcodes and the social media URLs right beneath them.



qnap hs 210 06t

While the HS-210 is wrapped inside a plastic bag and sits between two Styrofoam spacers the rest of the bundle is placed inside a cardboard box.



qnap hs 210 07t

Leaving out the SilentNAS HS-210 you are also getting an Ethernet cable, quick installation guide, AC power adapter and cable and two small plastic bags with mounting screws for 2.5" and 3.5" drives.