13 - 06 - 2024
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If you choose to connect the TS-451 to your TV set via HDMI you can not only access its basic functions but you can also use YouTube, Chrome and XBMC.




The XBMC application basically transforms the NAS Server into a HTPC thus you can use it from the comfort of your bed or sofa especially if you have the optional remote control.



As always you have the option to personalize the XBMC application quite a bit (for example change the skin of the menus and set the region/language/audio language options). You also have access to a wealth of audio/video related settings as seen above.



Important information like the hardware components of the unit are accessible through XBMC.




Again we used our Blu-Ray MKV rip of Avatar S.E (42GB) to test the playback capabilities of the device in hand and much like the TS-470 we didn't come across any issues while watching the movie so here are some screenshots for all of you to check and see what you can expect from the TS-451 (converted from BMP to JPG).