01 - 06 - 2024
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Even after we updated to the latest Thecus OS6 Build 809 version we saw no noticeable GUI changes as you can see from the login and main screens.



You can quickly access the shared folders, drive details and networking options via the lower right corner.




The control panel can be accessed from the upper left corner and although the N4301 may not be as complete in terms of available options and features as the N7710-G it does offer almost everything the majority of consumers will ever need.



So through the control panel you can access the hardware information page, enable/disable the redundancy option (if you have another external adapter), adjust the day/time options, check longs, enable/disable FTP support, enable/disable DDNS, burn data onto a CD (if a CD writer is connected), backup your data onto Amazons S3 service and you can also add more applications onto the NAS (official and 3rd party ones).




To download 3rd party applications you will need to head over to the official page by Thecus as seen above.