13 - 06 - 2024
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By installing the applications required to enable the HybridDesk Station you can use many of the applications found in the NAS from the comfort of your living room and/or bed. The applications installed are Google Chrome, Clementine (multi-platform music player), DeadBeef (music player), Facebook, File Station HD, Firefox, OceanKTV, LibreOffice (office suite), Surveillance Station, Music Station HD, QTS (web interface), OpenTTD (game), Photo Station HD, Plex Home Theater (media player), Skype, Spotify (music download), Supertux (game), TuneInRadio (online radio), Video Station HD, Wesnoth (game), HD Player (combines the photo, music, video stations) and YouTube.




OceanKTV via HDMI gives you all the options you have from within the QTS but with more ease.




You can also access your IP camera feed from the Surveillance Station.




TuneInRadio had no problem detecting local online radio stations as you can see from the above picture.




Wesnoth reminds me of the games I used to play in Amiga 500 Plus and although again I didn’t really end up playing it I may give it a shot in the future.




YouTube is available in pretty much every smart TV screen in the market and the same applies here as well.




The Video Station allows you to playback all video clips stored inside the NAS.




As usual you can also access the QTS GUI via HDMI but it’s just not quite as fast/smooth as when accessed via a computer.



For some strange reason QNAP doesn’t support KODI right now (at least not with the TBS-453A) but that doesn’t mean you can’t download and manually install one of the many available QPKG versions online (like we did).



Our Blu-Ray MKV rip of Avatar S.E (42GB) was once again used to test the playback capabilities of the NAS at hand and once again we experienced one of the smoothest playbacks of this particular file (we literally didn't encounter even a single glitch/freeze/lag). Unfortunately once again although 4k playback was also smooth we did encounter some graphical anomalies with SONY’s demo file.