01 - 06 - 2024
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Many people connect their NAS directly onto their TV sets so manufacturers have improved that area quite a bit. So as you can all see ASUSTOR has made it possible to access the surveillance app, ADM OS, Chrome, Chromium, Netflix, YouTube, KODI, Surveillance Center and many more (if you choose to install them) from the HDMI output.



The ADM portal has several settings which can be configured some of which are seen above.


KODI is the choice of most people for video playback (especially 4k) and the latest available version (v17.3 here) looks a lot different than previous ones.



You can personalize the KODI application quite a bit (for example change the skin of the menus and set the region/language/audio language options).



You can also check the various hardware/software information screens and of course adjust video and audio settings (with 66% of the units total memory taken just by running ADM and KODI you can see why we were quite concerned about the amount of RAM - not to mention the up to 80% load on the CPU / possible KODI bug?).



Netflix may come in handy for some people but since we don't have a subscription we couldn't check it out.



Accessing the ADM OS via HDMI may not be as smooth as when you do from your computer but still it can come very handy.



Although the AS6302T can indeed reproduce "light" 4k material (samples) it was unable to do so with our full Blu-Ray rips (frame by frame playback - we use the same for media player testing). Naturally it was also capable of reproducing full Blu-Ray rips of Full HD movies (including our Avatar RIP) but when a manufacturer promotes 4k media playback that's only natural.