01 - 06 - 2024
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promise apollo 2 duo 8tb 1t

The Apollo Cloud 2 Duo arrived inside a white box that has a large product picture at the front right next to a smartphone running the compatible app.



The specifications and bundle contents are placed on the left side of the box in 2 languages.



Listed on the left side of the box are some of the features of the Apollo Cloud 2 Duo in 6 languages.



At the rear we find all the available product uses showcased with the help of two images (the IP camera recording feature was introduced after the product arrived to our lab and so it's not listed here).



The NAS is placed inside a formed piece of blue foam (the rest of the bundle is located inside a small cardboard box).



Inside the box Promise Technology has placed the Apollo Cloud 2 Duo NAS, power adapter with two tips (EU/UK), RJ45 Ethernet Cable, app download paper and a quick start guide.