13 - 06 - 2024
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wd my cloud home duo review b

   Even though the My Cloud Home Duo 8TB did extremely well in our charts for a NAS of its category/type (better than expected really so not supporting RAID 0 for increased performance is not really an issue) it’s not hard to see that people over at WD had in mind when developing it and that was to offer an extremely basic Cloud storage device for home use. By extremely basic of course we mean that the My Cloud Home Duo lacks even “basic” functions like the ability to download files from the internet, create shared folders and adding more accounts and setting up their privileges. We did of course like the fact that you can swap the interior drives with ease thanks to their trays, the rear on/off power button (especially since it’s not something WD used a lot with past models) and the low power consumption and noise levels (for an actively cooled NAS).

   With a starting price of USD394.94 inside the USA (Amazon) and 350Euros inside the EU (Amazon UK) the My Cloud Home Duo 8tb Personal Cloud Storage by WD doesn’t really offer a good price/features ratio and in the end that matters even more than performance. Still we expect that there will be some consumers out there who may be interested in the very easy to use smartphone app and the data security offered by RAID 1 and to those we say check it out since the My Cloud Home Duo might just be what you’ve been looking for.



- Good Performance
- Easy To Setup And Use
- 2 Preinstalled Removable HDDs (Zero Compatibility Issues)
- iOS / Android App
- Available Capacities (4/8/12/16/20TB)
- Power On/Off Button
- Low Power Consumption
- 2 USB 3.0 Ports
- RAID 0 & JBOD Modes


- Price (For Some)
- File Sharing Only Function
- Limited Windows Software