13 - 06 - 2024
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ADM 3.3.0.BDT2 PART 2













From the Download Server tab not only can you download files using the BitTorrent Client but you can also use it to download files directly from HTTP/FTP.



A new app called Netdata can be used as a more detailed resource information tab (it was somewhat laggy in our case however).



As usual you can share pictures to your mobile devices via the photogallery tab.



The SoundsGood application allows streaming of music onto all your connected mobile devices.



Just like the SoundsGood application the LooksGood application allows you to watch and stream media files onto your mobile devices and transcode media files to other types and resolutions.



ASUSTOR recently added the Portainer app into the number of available apps which acts as a container station allowing you to easily build, manage and maintain Docker environments (we didn't end up testing it however).



The Plex Media server app really needs no introductions so from here you can watch both online clips and arrange your very own media library.



This time over we were glad to see that the ASUSTOR Surveillance Center managed to automatically detect all our IP cameras. However, it did so as "generic" ONVIF compatible models (ASUSTOR needs to extend compatibility a lot more than what they have so far) so if your models fall in the same category you need to know the exact maximum frame rate at each resolution.



Pretty much everything else is placed inside the settings tab so from here you can adjust including the network settings, regional options, hardware options (LEDs/Buzzer/Fan control/Power settings), various notification options, ADM defender (firewall), certificate manager, ADM update (manual or automatic), network recycle bin, energy saver (drive standby mode/fan control/wake on LAN), EZ connect (remote access - even if you get an error in the last line of the manual connect tab you will still be able to connect), factory default settings and product registration.