13 - 06 - 2024
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asoka pl9670 q2 07t

The Asoka PL9670-Q2 comes in white and with measurements of just 76mm height, 54mm width and 28mm depth (64mm with the plug) it's amongst the smaller ones we've ever seen.



asoka pl9670 q2 08t

It's actually just 6mm taller and 4mm wider than the tiny TPL-406E by TRENDnet.



asoka pl9670 q2 09t

As expected Asoka has printed their logo at the front of the adapter.



asoka pl9670 q2 10t

A small reset button is placed right beneath the company logo.



asoka pl9670 q2 11t

4 small activity LEDs are placed at the right side of the adapter (throughput/power/Ethernet link for the 2 ports).



asoka pl9670 q2 12t

The two RJ-45 Ethernet ports (10/100) are placed at the base.



asoka pl9670 q2 13t

A small sticker is placed at the rear and has plenty of information on it such as the model name, serial number, barcode, mac address, FCC ID (Federal Communications Commission Identification Number) and its electrical requirements.