14 - 06 - 2024
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As always prior to using the adapters i strongly recommend heading over to the official Devolo product page to download the latest firmware and software versions.




The firmware update takes just a minute and then you're good to go.




The DLAN Cockpit software indicates (and updates continuously) the connection speed between the main adapter and the two WiFi adapters and in our scenario (15m range between both) it's 108 Mbit/s for the first and 173 Mbit/s for the second (this is roughly 9m away from the router).



From within the DLAN Cockpit program you can also perform firmware updates (as a matter of fact some you can only perform through here) and check the state of the adapters.




You can also access the web interface of the adapters and from the very first tab you can check their state, the number of connected devices and the available networks.




Through the device configuration tab devolo allows you to set a password for the settings area, adjust the IP address manually or via DHCP, use a password to secure the wired network, setup the date and time and enable/disable the activity LEDs.




You can change the access point name, enable/disable guest accounts, adjust filters and parental controls and configure the WPS and WiFi Move technology settings from within the WLAN configuration page.




In the Management page you can reset the device configuration, save/restore the current configuration, check the product license and update the firmware.