13 - 06 - 2024
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fritz powerline 1000e 07t

The adapters of the FRITZ!Powerline 1000E Set are made out of hard plastic and unfortunately don't feature a built-in power socket.



fritz powerline 1000e 08t

They are not the smallest around and so they measure 114mm in length, 67mm in width and 27mm in thickness (weigh 130g each).



fritz powerline 1000e 09t

At the front we see the Power and LAN LEDs and the security button/LED.



fritz powerline 1000e 10t

Both adapters have just a single RJ45 Ethernet port at the base (i hope AVM adds more in future models).



fritz powerline 1000e 11t

The encryption key, serial number MAC address, electrical requirements, certification logos and a 2D barcode are placed at a large sticker on the interior of the adapters.