14 - 06 - 2024
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netgear plp1200 07t

Much like most powerline adapters that feature a built-in power outlet the new Powerline 1200 model by Netgear is not the tiniest one possible (measures 119mm in length, 58mm in width and 42mm in thickness without the plug).



netgear plp1200 12t

To showcase the size of this adapter we placed it right next to the most compact one we have here in the lab the ETH-500 by Asoka.



netgear plp1200 08t

As expected the built-in power outlet features safety for kids.



netgear plp1200 09t

The adapters also have 3 LEDs, one which indicates the power status, one for the link status and one which changes colors (green, yellow and red) according to the quality of the link established between the two adapters (thus you can move the adapter around to other wall outlets to find which offers the best connection).



netgear plp1200 10t

At the base of the adapters we see the RJ45 LAN port, reset switch and the encryption button.



netgear plp1200 11t

You can find the electrical specs for the adapters on a sticker placed at the rear.