14 - 06 - 2024
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dlink av2 1000 dhp p601av 06t

Size-wise the AV2 1000 adapters are pretty much the same as others in the market so they weigh 195g and measure 113.49mm in height, 58.48mm in width and 37.8mm in depth.



dlink av2 1000 dhp p601av 07t

To have a better idea about their size we placed one of the adapters right next to the larger FRITZ!Powerline 546E by AVM.



dlink av2 1000 dhp p601av 08t

The three activity LEDs at the front of the adapter are for the power, powerline adapter pairing and internet access.



dlink av2 1000 dhp p601av 09t

The child safety feature in the electrical socket is always good to see.



dlink av2 1000 dhp p601av 10t

At the base of the adapter we see the RJ45 Ethernet port, AES-128bit encryption button and the reset button.



dlink av2 1000 dhp p601av 11t

Moving at the rear we see a sticker which contains the serial and part numbers, barcodes, MAC address, PLC password, hardware version, installed firmware version and the product electrical requirements.