14 - 06 - 2024
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dlan1200 plus starter 01t

The DLAN1200+ Starter Kit is shipped inside a white and blue box that has a large product picture at the front right next to the main product features and the company logo.



dlan1200 plus starter 02t

You can see the OS compatibility list at the base of the box right next to two product pictures.



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At the top of the box you can see the various usages of a powerline adapter.



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The features list is printed at the rear of the box in 10 languages.



dlan1200 plus starter 05t

Packaging is pretty much excellent since the adapters are placed inside a formed piece of cardboard.



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Along with the 2 powerline adapters the package contains two RJ45 Ethernet cables, registration paper, declaration of conformity paper and the installation instructions.