01 - 06 - 2024
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trendnet tpl 421e2k 01t

The adapters arrived inside a small box that has a picture of them at the front right over several smaller drawings showcasing their main features.



trendnet tpl 421e2k 02t

Both the features and bundle contents are printed on the left side.



trendnet tpl 421e2k 03t

A connectivity drawing is placed at the rear of the box right beneath a quick comparison between a 500/600Mbps and a 1200Mbps adapter.



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Both adapters are wrapped inside small plastic bags and placed inside a formed piece of cardboard.



trendnet tpl 421e2k 05t

Along with the two 1200Mbps adapters TRENDnet also ships two 1.5 meter long RJ-45 Ethernet cables, user manual and a software CD.