01 - 06 - 2024
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Prior to using the units i strongly suggest heading over to the official devolo support page to download and install both latest software and firmware versions (even our CD came with a previous version).




The control software is called devolo cockpit and i have to admit that it's by far the best I’ve ever used with such a device. It even shows the current bandwidth transmission between unit A and unit B which as you can see at the time of testing was 137Mbit/s. However since I’ve never encountered such a high number when testing Powerline adapters this put me on alert. You see there were 3 possible explanations for such a high number so either the devolo dLAN 500 AVPlus was the best unit to reach my test bench (quite possible actually), the devolo cockpit program was only counting maximum bandwidth and not average or there was something seriously off with my testing methodology. Because of that i added an extra step when testing similar devices which will be mentioned on the next page.



The devolo cockpit program also allows you to rename the adapters, reset then back to their factory state, record and send statistics back to devolo (for product improvement) and finally you can check the troubleshooting guide in case something goes wrong.