01 - 06 - 2024
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   For repeaters/range extenders we will be using part of the same testing methodology as we do for modem/routers and powerline adapters so once again we will be using the networking benchmark software by Passmark (v.8), QCheck software by Ixia and ATTO v2.47 to test 5GHz wireless signal strength and quality. For our tests we're using not only both our primary desktop systems (outfitted with Kingston HyperX Predator 480GB PCIe SSDs, AC1900 USB 3.0 adapters- AC1300 effective on the 5GHz band - and CAT7 cables) placed 15m away from the router with 3 concrete walls between but also a single Toshiba Qosmio notebook placed on a secondary location (just 5m away from the repeater/range extender with just 1 concrete wall in between). This is to have more complete results for each repeater/range extender. Each test is repeated a total of 6 times after which the average scores are recorded into our charts. Also, to effectively simulate load each repeater/range extender is connected with two extra notebooks on the 2.4GHz band. All our systems are currently running fresh Windows 10 Pro installations complete with all updates until the moment of this review.

   Also just like with modem/routers we will also be testing the power consumption of repeaters/range extenders (average power consumption during tests is placed in our charts).


