14 - 06 - 2024
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At first glance I can't say that the Capisco Puls is an impressive office chair but its quality seems to be much better than most office chairs around the same size.



From its lower point the backrest measures roughly 470mm in height and it is height adjustable from 510mm all the way up to 620mm.



The saddle seat features a fabric cover with a sufficient amount of padding (pretty good for its size). In terms of size it measures roughly 420mm in length and 465mm in width.



One of the strong selling points of the Capisco Puls is the ability to change the position of the seat (depth) as seen above (this allows the user to use many different positions).



Yet another strong selling point of the Capisco Puls is its adjustable height which in our sample takes the seat from 585mm all the way up to 850mm.