14 - 06 - 2024
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sihoo v1 review b

   After almost a full month with the Sihoo V1 I have mostly good things to say about it, mostly. In terms of ergonomics and comfort the V1 is among the 3 best chairs I’ve used to date so no issues here. The moment you sit on it this may not be evident but as time goes by (especially if you adjust all its parts to fit your body) you'll have a hard time using another chair. Size is also good, yes it may not be the ideal ergonomic chair for people weighing well over 110Kg (and 1.90m in height) but the same applies for many others in the market. Assembly is also very easy and quick since you basically have just 3 Allen screws to attach. Moving to build quality this is where the V1 gave me mixed signals. On one hand the quality of the mesh fabric, PU leather headrest, frame and even the 5-star base is very good and the same applies for the aluminum arms with the PU leather armrests. The problem starts when you try to adjust the height of the arms (orientation worked well, although i did end up accidentally changing it many times) and so here the left arm would not stay in place most of the times (I would adjust the height, place my hand and it would just go back down). Yes, this could be an isolated issue but my guess is that the lack of a button/lever is also responsible for this (Sihoo hasn’t placed a single button/lever on the 4D armrests so everything happens if you just raise the armrests and/or apply more force). Adjusting the height of the headrest also requires force (as does the height of the backrest but it’s a lot easier compared to the headrest) and that’s something that some people may not like a lot. Overall, however my only serious issue during this whole month was the height adjustment of the 4D armrest.

   Unfortunately, what really hinders the Sihoo V1 is its retail price which in some places of the world is just set too high. For example, in the USA its last recorded price was no less than USD763.59 (Amazon.com) while in the EU it retails for 659.99Euros (Amazon.de). Now this wouldn’t normally be an issue but when you have stores in other places of the world selling it for 10-20% less (they just don’t ship everywhere) that really stands out so I truly hope Sihoo looks into that. At the end of the day however it’s also clear that the Sihoo V1 is one of the 3 most comfortable chairs I’ve ever used and that alone is more than enough for the Golden Award.


- Overall Build Quality
- Adjustability / Comfort / Posture (Waist Adjustable Support / Backrest, Headrest & Seat Adjustable Height / Adjustable Seat Depth / 123 Degrees Recline / 4D Armrests)
- SGS & BIMFA Certified
- Breathable Mesh Fabric
- Available In 2 Colors (Black & Light Gray)
- 3 Year Limited Warranty
- 2 Available Models (Without / With Retractable Footrest)


- Price (For Some)
- Overall Availability
- Armrest Height Adjustment Issue (Isolated Issue?)
- Seat Padding (Could Be Better)