01 - 06 - 2024
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sihoo m90d review b

   The V1 may be among Sihoo’s top ergonomic office chair models but after spending a full month with the M90D it’s clear that it’s just as comfortable, if not even more. The reason I say this is because the V1 requires you to “play” with the manually adjustable lumbar support until you find the right position for you whereas the M90D does that automatically. Yes, the lumbar support of the M90D is not quite as versatile since it’s fixed (doesn’t move up and down and you can’t adjust its intensity) but you can offset part of that thanks to the height adjustable backrest (1cm more adjustable height compared to that of the V1). Everything else from the headrest to the 3D armrests (the V1 has 4Dremains roughly the same as with the V1 which is why these two chairs are quite similar. Yes, the lack of a foot rest and an adjustable seat are important factors but these may not be worth the difference in price. The sole thing i found wrong with the M90D was the amount of padding on the seat, something which i also noticed with the V1. It's good for 2-3 hours but afterwards it begins to feel uncomfortable so you need to take a break (this isn't really bad but again, you may not want to). Needless to say this has to do with weight but considering that i weight roughly 90Kg i don't think this should be an issue for me.

   So, just how much does the M90D Ergonomic Office Chair cost? Well, currently you can get your very own for USD369.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 299.99Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) a price tag which is almost half compared to the V1 model. As you can imagine this is a large difference and honestly even though i do believe that the V1 is a better chair overall the M90D clearly offers a better price/performance ratio. All said and done the M90D may not be the perfect ergonomic chair but the features it packs do provide a much more comfortable experience for the end user and for that it deserves the Golden Award.


- Overall Build Quality
- Adjustability / Comfort / Posture (Adaptive Lumbar Support / Backrest, Headrest & Seat Height / 130 Degrees Recline / 3D Armrests)
- SGS & BIFMA Certified
- Breathable Mesh Fabric
- Available In 3 Colors (Black, Light Gray & Red/Black)
- 3 Year Limited Warranty


- Seat Padding