13 - 06 - 2024
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epos sennheiser gsx 1200 pro review b

   As you can easily tell by today’s review the GSX 1200 Pro is a very “specific” sound card and I’m obviously referring to the fact that it was designed primarily for use in LAN events. To that end it’s primary use is not with speakers but with gaming headsets and yes unless you’re using a top-of-the-line gaming model chances are that you will really enjoy the quite accurate 7.1 virtual surround sound produced by the GSX 1200 Pro (although I do expect that some will prefer the stereo mode). On the other hand, with a maximum impedance of 150Ohm the GSX 1200 Pro may not be able to "handle" every high-end audiophile headset out there but it should be more than enough for most gaming headsets. The touch controls make it very easy to use the GSX 1200 Pro so even though at first i was somewhat annoyed by the fact that EPOS Sennheiser don’t offer control software i soon understood the why. Also, worth pointing out is that 24bit 96khz can only be handled by Stereo output and not 7.1 Surround Sound due to limitations by the USB interface (can’t send out 8 channels of full 24bit audio).

   Over the years and several price reductions the GSX 1200 Pro by EPOS Sennheiser now retails for USD199.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for around 200Euros inside the EU. At that price tag if you happen to attend LAN events and you could use the chat link function the GSX 1200 Pro is a great option, if not the GSX 1000 which can be found for even less is obviously a safer bet. At the end of the day, I can’t compare the EPOS Sennheiser GSX 1200 Pro with a high-end internal sound card (like for example the Sound Blaster AE-9 I use with that test rig) but for use with gaming headsets it’s actually extremely good (both in terms of audio quality and 7.1 virtual surround sound accuracy) and that combined with its touch controls which make it extremely easy to use are more than enough for me to give it the Golden Award.


- Very Good Audio Quality (Compared to Onboard Sound Cards)
- 7.1 Virtual Surround Sound Accuracy
- Size / Weight
- Design
- Touch Controls
- Aluminum Volume Control Ring
- Chat Link (LAN Lag Free Communications)


- Price (For Some)
- 150Ohm Maximum Impedance (For Some)