01 - 06 - 2024
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eaton ellipse pro elp1600iec review b

   Eaton may not be quite as popular/well known in the consumer market as for example APC but they too are considered to be an industry leader and judging by the performance of their Ellipse PROP 1600 IEC (ELP1600IEC) i think it's clear why that is. This may be a rather compact UPS model but it surpasses even the rackmount (not to mention twice as large and heavy) PR1500ELCDRTXL2U by Cyberpower. Granted the Cyberpower model is a couple of years older (2011/2013) but still when launched it cost roughly 30% more compared to the Ellipse PRO 1600 and aside being quite louder it also uses twice as many batteries (hopefully Cyberpower sends something newer for me to compare the Ellipse PRO 1600 with). Battery life aside however the Ellipse PRO 1600 did very well during every other test i could think off (including turning off the main power of the entire office numerous times). My sole "issue" (if i can even call it that) is its active cooling system which doesn't stop even for a single moment. Yes, it only climbs all the way to 61.6dBA when providing devices with power but even when it doesn't the fan still produces a slight hum (42.2dBA worth) so i wouldn't recommended placing it near where you sleep (although this isn't exactly a consumer model so that shouldn't matter to anyone). Another tiny issue i encountered was with the accuracy of the remaining battery life indication on the LCD screen. It would just reach zero (-----) and the UPS would keep going for several more minutes. Again, this isn't game breaking but for people who may pay attention to it i feel Eaton should make it more accurate. As for the UPS companion software it's certainly very easy to use but since it's been around for almost 13 years now i really do believe it needs a new design.

   So how much does the Ellipse PRO 1600 by Eaton cost today? Well, you can currently get your very own for USD559 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for just 321Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de). Obviously, I do think that Eaton should take a look at pricing on the other side of the Atlantic but for EU based residents the Ellipse PRO 1600 is priced very well (always based on its performance and what I’ve seen by other models). That being said consumers on a tight budget may want to look elsewhere (I’ll do my best to test something lower-end from the Eaton UPS line) but for people who can afford to spend more the Ellipse PRO 1600 Is a very good and solid choice which is also why it gets the Golden Award.


- Excellent Battery Life (Performance)
- 8 Plugs (4 Powered & 4 Surge Protected)
- 1
- LCD Display
- Electrical Protections
- Available Models (DIN/FR/IEC)
- Vertical / Horizontal Placement
- Price (EU)


- Noise Levels
Price (USA)