14 - 06 - 2024
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green cell power proof 2000va review b

   The PowerProof 2000VA is an entry to mid-level model and as far as I’m concerned Green Cell doesn’t try to hide this fact (enclosure quality alone proves this). Still, it did very good during the 2 weeks I tested it, not just in terms of uptime (and I expect the 1400W model to do even better) but also in terms of noise levels (although i admit it could do better). Of course, I also had no issues regardless of the how many times I pulled the power plug or turned the mains of the office off (still my equipment is not very power hungry so again for heavy use a pure sinewave model would be a better choice). Aside the software not running on my Windows 10 Pro systems (if I find out the why I will update this review) I also noticed that the front LCD display is very bright and although I have no problems with that (acted as a night light in the lab) some just might so do keep that in mind if you plan on placing it somewhere near where you sleep (and you don’t want a night light).

   Currently the PowerProof 2000VA/1200W UPS by Green Cell retails for 139.95Euros inside the EU (Green Cell / Amazon.de) a price which is extremely balanced for this model. Yes, the PowerProof 2000VA/1200W may not sport the best build quality and features in the market (especially when compared with models by APC or Cyberpower) but it does very well both in uptime and protection against electrical spikes and surges and for that it gets the Golden Award.


- Very Good Performance
- 4 Schuko Plugs
- 2000VA/1200W (2000VA/1400W Also Available)
- Front LCD Display
- Electrical Protections (Short-Circuit, Thermal and Overvoltage)
- Price (For Some)


- Overall Build Quality
- UPSilon 2000 Software (Unable To Run On My Systems)