14 - 06 - 2024
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fsp champ 2k review b


   FSP has been manufacturing UPS devices for a long time now and so since i was always interested to see how they'd perform it was nice to see not one but two of their models arrive in the lab in late December. The first of the two is the Champ 2K and even though it's certainly not a unit that will stand out due to its design it still passed all my tests with flying colors. On top of that battery life is very good, especially since it scored the 2nd highest numbers in the charts at both loads. Yes, efficiency is not quite on par with that of the SMT1500IC unit by APC but it's still very good so really no complaints from me in that regard. Unfortunately, however not all is perfect and so the two front 80mm fans work at full speed from the moment you'll plug the unit into a wall socket (not even turn it on – same thing with both mains and battery operation) which pretty much means that this isn’t a unit one can use in a quiet environment (home mostly). I was hoping this wouldn't be the case since this is a tower model but since this isn't a home oriented model (just like most pure sinewave output models) it does make sense for the fans to be on at all times (still it would be nice if the fans were at least temperature controlled). Also having just 4 IEC power ports available may just be too few for some people, especially for an 2000VA/1800W UPS model. As for the ViewPower HTML based software, well it’s very easy to navigate and use and as you can see in this review it has a plethora of available features one can adjust (just remember to restart your system once you’ve installed it).

   So just how much will the Champ 2K (PPF16A1905) UPS by FSP set you back if you decide to get it? Well, at the time of this review it retails for USD613 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 412.51Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) a price tag which is quite balanced for a 2000VA/1800W Pure Sinewave model (at least on this side of the Atlantic). Overall, I can’t say that I have any complaints about the FSP Champ 2K UPS. Yes, it may not have the highest efficiency from all the pure sinewave models I’ve used and reviewed and the fans spinning at full speed all the time can get annoying in a quite environment but on one hand this is clearly not a unit meant for quiet environments and on the other performance is very good across the board and for that the Champ 2K deserves the Golden Award.


- Very Good Battery Life
- 2000VA/1800W
- LCD Display with Adjustable Menus
- ViewPower Software (Local/Remote Access)
- List of Features
- Typical Transfer Time (4ms)
- Serial & USB Connectivity (Intelligent Port Available)
- 10 Available Models (Champ Series)


- Price (USA)
- Fan Noise (Full Speed At All Times)
- 4 IEC Ports