13 - 06 - 2024
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The Intelligent Power Manager software allows you to access the 5PX 1500i RT2U Netpack via the Network M2 card.

intelligent power management 1t

From the very first tab you can see all detected UPS models in the local area network.



If the software detects any new versions (software or firmware) it will notify you as seen above.



The Network M2 card is quite convenient since via it you can check a plethora of things such as energy flow, input/output, battery health and the status of the entire UPS.



You can of course also schedule a shutdown based on various different criteria.



Sensor commissioning is a feature i was unable to check since the required sensor obviously wasn't present.



From the settings tab you can configure the system details, time/date, email notification and SMTP settings, add/remove access users, adjust network (such as IP address) and SNMP settings and even install and/or edit a network certificate.



Inside the maintenance tab Eaton has placed features like sanitization, system reboot, resource monitor, system logging and system information.