13 - 06 - 2024
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To fully utilize the features of the Tiny 2 you will need to download the Webcam software by OBSBOT.

obsbot webcam software 1t

AI tracking, AI mode and manual PTZ use are the main features located in the initial software tab (Console).



You can change recording quality from the lower left corner of the live feed window.



Under the image tab you can enable/disable HDR and adjust the focus, exposure, anti-flicker, white balance and image settings.



Beauty mode basically allows you to retouch your looks (only in virtual mode however).



Settings like device sleep, gestures, zoom, voice control, microphone noise reduction and automatic gain, image flip and reverse view and gimbal are all inside the more tab (firmware upgrades as well).



Clicking on the wheel located on the right top you can gain access to the software settings.