01 - 06 - 2024
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   To make things more interesting i decided to compare the image quality between the original C910 HD Pro Webcam and the new C920 HD Pro Webcam in widescreen mode (used The Avengers Blu-Ray and my NEC 3090WQXi for that). Unfortunately the original C910 does not support taking stills at 10MP in widescreen so i was only able to use 1080p (1920x1080) whereas the C920 has no problem taking widescreen stills of up to 15MP (5168x2907).


c910 - wide atc910 - wide bt



c920 wide atc920 - wide bt
   The C920 may have a far superior resolution when taking wide screen stills compared to the original C910 but its stills lack the white balance levels (quite obvious if you click on each of the samples) we see with the ones from the C910. Because of that you may need to disable RightLight and play around with the available image settings.