01 - 06 - 2024
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icontrol piper 01t

The Piper arrived in a plain cardboard box with a product drawing at the top.



icontrol piper 02t

A 2D barcode is placed at the front of the box scanning which enables you to install the Piper application for Android and iOS compatible devices (or you can do so manually, both work).



icontrol piper 03t

The serial number, barcode, color and country of manufacture (surprised in a good way to see it is Canada) are all placed on a sticker at the rear of the box.



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As you can all see the interior is filled with foam material inside which sits the Piper.



icontrol piper 05t

Along with the Piper iControl Networks also ships a desk base (mounted on the device), wall bracket, three AAA batteries, wall charger with two plugs/tips (EU/UK), warranty information paper, quick start guide and a protected by piper sticker.